AAT Level 1 Accounting
The AAT Foundation Certificate in Accounting is an ideal starting point for anyone wishing to study accountancy and finance. The purpose of the qualification is to offer the foundation accounting knowledge needed to progress to employment or further study in accountancy and finance, alongside business and personal skills that are transferable to any sector and additional business knowledge relevant to accountancy.
The Foundation Certificate may be valuable for those entering the workplace for the first time or for those changing careers who would like additional support in upskilling to enter (or re-enter) a business environment. The AAT Foundation Certificate in Accounting is particularly suitable for 16– 19-year-old students undertaking a study programme.
A student completing this qualification will develop accountancy skills in double-entry bookkeeping and basic costing, as well as an understanding of purchase, sales and general ledgers. Students will learn to use accounting software and to develop the professional skills and behaviours needed to contribute effectively in the workplace. Working in accountancy requires good communication skills, IT skills and an understanding of the business environment, all of which are covered by this qualification. The purpose of this qualification is to ensure that students are well rounded and well prepared to progress into a career in business, finance, professional accountancy, or into further education.